Arcos de Valdevez

17 Dec 2023 to 15 Dec 2024

Closed on Satyrday (except in August) and one or two weeks in September Opening Hours: 9h-...
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Charutos dos Arcos

Charutos dos Arcos

It is a conventual sweet and one of the symbols of the Arcos de Valdevez confectionery. It has a...
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The Delfim’s Tavern (A Tasca do Delfim)

In the centre of the village, the Delfim?s Tavern is the ideal place to sustain yourself "matar o bicho" - as they say in the Region of Minho ? early in the...

The “S. João Baptista” Chapel

The chapel, part of the Romanesque focus of "Ribeira Lima" (Lima?s River), was probably erected during the 12th century, as testifies a date inscribed in...
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