Doces Sortidos - Bolos de Festas

Arcos de Valdevez
Description / Facilities

The "bolos de festa", also called "white or yellow cakes" or "bolos de gema" are small cakes, circular shape, low, prepared with a light mixture, like “pão-de-ló” (Sponge Cake), based on eggs, sugar and flour, which give them a strong yellow colour. In most cases are then  covered with a white icing, on which they make, with the finger, drawings in spiral shape.

Traditionally these cakes were part of the "menus" of certain festivities  such as weddings and religious feast, especially in “romarias”  or festivals  in the villages. They were sold by  dozen, by confectioners who brought them in trunks or foil boxes and after put them on a place covered with linen cloths. They also sold other traditional cakes called “roscas” (twist). The  “mordomas” offer to  “mordomos” small bunhes of flowers  with three hanging "roscas" that they put on the chest. Currently, these cakes are part of all the tables of the traditional festivals of the county, especially at Easter. They are sold based on weight.
Address: Rua General Norton de Matos 47
Phone: 258515215

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