Quinta dos Martinhos
Vieira do Minho
- What's happening
- Where To Eat
- Points of interest
Restaurante O Lagar
Restaurant O Lagar
Closed on Monday
Opening Hours: 9: 30h - 24h
Capacity: 30...
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O Exaustor
Exaustor Marisqueira Restaurant, opened in 2009, its specialty is seafood and meats, dedicating...
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Agra village
The Agra village is located in the parish of Rossas and near the spring of the Ave River with its waterfalls and limpid lagoons which provide refreshing...
Festival of St. Sebastian - Vila Grande - Dornelas
Every year on 20th January a festival is dedicated to St. Sebastian, the protector of hunger, plague and war. It has been said to believe that these...
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