Casa Fontes

Vila Pouca de Aguiar
Description / Facilities
The main mission of the Casa Fontes will make this our home, your home. A place that provides pleasant experiences.

Furthermore, one of the great purposes of the Casa Fontes is promoting Pedras Salgadas region through quality accommodation with a proximity penchant for hospitality and welcome all who come to us through its gastronomic riches. The Casa Fontes will therefore be the ideal destination for those seeking "good bed", "good table" and moments of relaxation in a comfortable and welcoming space where everything becomes truly familiar.

Address: Avenida Lopes de Oliveira, nº56/58 5450-140 Pedras Salgadas
Phone: +351259434231
Casa de Petiscos- Casa Fontes

Casa de Petiscos- Casa Fontes

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