O Brandeiro Restaurant

O Brandeiro Restaurant

"O Brandeiro" is a typical restaurant with a rustic look. Situated in Branda da Aveleira, it is...
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Adega Regional do Zé

Adega Regional do Zé

OPERATNG SINCE 2011KITCHEN PROFILERegional cuisineHealthy cooking (special care: salt and sugar...
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Percurso do Rio ( river circuit)

General Characteristics:Distance: 2.5 km.Duration: 1:15min.Type:small route.Level of difficulty: low.Departure / Arrival: Centro de Interpretação Ambiental

House of Pereira da Fonseca

Two-storey house, built in the early 19th century, located between Barjona de Freitas and the Barreta Streets.
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