Biscoitos Diogo

Description / Facilities
The family Diogo was well known in Valongo, because José Sousa Moreira Diogo was the “Regedor”(Chairman) of the  village and by its ascentry  be  since always  the bread and the biscuits maker. The family business, " Fábrica de Biscoitos Diogo” (Diogo Biscuit Factory), opened to the public in 1900. The company is a success resulted immediately with the  orders arriving from all over the country. On Saturdays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the loads of bread, “regueifas” (twist breads) and biscuits were carried inside large baskets towards  Porto . The biscuits  were packaged in individual bags of 250 grams each. The most popular were the corn and the lemon. The factory started to gain name and increase production. The most memorable moments were the festive seasons: Christmas, New Year and Easter, which involve making the “Bolo-Rei” (ring-shaped cake made of eggs and dried fruit) and “Pão-de-Ló” (Sponge Cake). Since the beginning of the  company  José Diogo used his very own methods, imposing rules to ensure an effective and quality work. The business was being transmitted  from generation to generation keeping still  nowadays in the same family.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8h – 13h | 14h – 18h

Address: Rua Fonte da Senhora 1131, 4440-452 Valongo, Portugal
Phone: 224220010


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