The river “Vez”

Arcos de Valdevez
The river “Vez” rises in the” Serra da Peneda/Soajo”, more precisely in “Seida or Lamas do Vez”, and flows into “Souto”´s parish in the place of “Milhundos” with about 40 km wide and 1300 meters of high, through the battered “Arcos de Valdevez”’s County. It’s the most important affluent of the river “Lima”.

The river “Vez” is an enigmatic river full of secrets for those who try to know it from the source to the mouth. From the “Sistelo”’s parish, upstream; it becomes difficult to run alongside, very rugged and dangerous, presenting some insurmountable places; however nature reward with great beauty whomever is willing to endure these obstacles.

One way to know the “Sistelo”’s river is to make the trail (PR of about 10 km) of the “brandas”, which starts near the castle and leads us to see the impressive villages’ terraces of “Padrão”, “Porta Cova” till the “brandas” of “Lapinheira”, “Gemia and Crastibô” and may often have the company of the locals, who walk the trail in their daily toil.

The waters of this river are rich in trout, a fact which attracts many enthusiasts during the fishing season. Belonging to the hydrographic basin of “Minho and Lima”, it also serves as a territorial boundary with the municipalities of “Melgaço and Monção”.

This river runs through “Arcos de Valdevez” with affluents: the river “Cabreiro”, the stream of “Frades”, the stream of “São Mamede”, river “Ázere”, stream of “Porto Avelar and river Frio”.

The river “Vez”, a source of inspiration for poets, namely “Tomaz de Figueiredo” of whom someone rightly said, “He didn’t sing “Bernardes” the “Lima” with more lyricism and passion than “Tomaz de Figueiredo” did the “Vez”.

Location: Arcos de Valdevez
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