PR1 - Senhora da Graça Foothpaths

Mondim de Basto

Realizing the importance of the routes as valuable patrimony in the perception of human history and the landscape of knowledge, the ancient road traveled by pilgrims was the target of the municipality of attention that promoted its posing, cleaning, signage and interpretation and editing a historical and descriptive brochure in Portuguese, English and French. This course aims to present a very old path that is still used today by pilgrims to reach the top of Mount Farinha, place of great devotion and great spirituality. It is a journey of great cultural value, which original track nothing has changed and continues to have the same meaning it had in the past as pilgrimage route.

It is also a history path with many stories to tell, because along its route there are numerous traces of the past, such as some stretches in Medieval pitching (named Roman road), Castro's Castroeiro the very Sanctuary and the High Stone that many scholars classify as Menhir. All the Monte Farinha is involved in tales and legends, giving it an aura of charm, mystery and adventure.

The PR 1 "Paths of Srª da Graça" is a small footpath marked route, in both directions, according to the norms of Camping and Mountaineering Federation of Portugal.

Location: Mondim de Basto
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