Parish Church

Arcos de Valdevez

We owe the construction of this church to the generosity of D. Pedro the 2nd; church erected on top of a former temple foundations, probably medieval, between 1690 and 1700. Characterizing it, a particularly rich interior, with notable examples of altars, stone carvings as well as paintings from the late 17th century and the second half of the 18th. In 1765, the Master “bracarense” (the name given to the inhabitants of Braga) “André Soares” built the “Calvário”’s Chapel, located on the south side, a significant sensitive work, forming a creative set, clearly of the Rococo influence.

Location: Arcos de Valdevez
Rebuçados dos Arcos - Doçaria Central

Rebuçados dos Arcos - Doçaria Central

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