Our Lady of the Castle Festivities

Arcos de Valdevez

Occupying a headland to the west of the village, lays the original location of a medieval castle, the sanctuary of Our Lady of the Castle (Nª Srª do Castelo), which receives one of the most remote and important cult of the municipality, which moves hundreds of people, the major arteries of the village “Arcuense” (inhabitants of Arcos de Valdevez), being decorated with floral carpets.

Initially, the festivities were performed in May, June and July, and currently take place in May/June, on Ascension Sunday, that is, 40 days after Easter, whereas the main day of the Festival is Sunday, during which the image of Our Lady returns to the village to its Hermitage, located on the Hill of the Castle, where it will stay for another year, and from where it went, days before, to the Church of the “Fonche” village then to the Temple of the village, towards the Parish Church,  

Location: Arcos de Valdevez
Restaurante O Barriguinhas

Restaurante O Barriguinhas

Opening Hours: 9h ? 15h / 19h ? 22h Capacity:56 seats Specialities: Cozido à minhota (Minhota...
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