Old Lady’s Pen / Castro Laboreiro Trail


This is a good option to take into account if you’d like to know the Serra da Peneda. This small size hiking trail runs for about 3 miles between the Serra da Peneda and the Laboreiro valley providing amazing panoramic views.

The trail starts next to the Casa do Guarda-florestal de Pousios (where you can park the car), at the locality of Ribeiro de Cima, and heads to the “Currais” – a cattle lea also known as Curro da Velha. From this point on, you’ll start getting shrouded by the immensity of the Serra da Peneda, while reaching a small plain called “Chão da Roca”, where you’ll be able to observe a typical shepherd house.

Then, the trail continues through a path created by the cattle's passing and, further on, through a pathway that follows the water stream, where you'll need to be extra careful especially when there’s rain or snow. Afterwards, you’ll reach the locality of Ribeiro de Baixo (meaning downwards creek) that, as stated by its name, is located at the bottom of the River Laboreiro’s valley, creating a majestic scenery.

Finally, after passing by the typical “castro” locality of Pousios, you'll reach again the Forest Ranger's House, right where you started.

A four hours stroll throughout “castro” lands that seemed a few moments.

Location: Melgaço
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