Periurban, in isolated hillock, has a granite pillar supporting the lawsuit rod to convicts. It is estimated the century. XV, on delivery of the letter of Foral by D. Manuel.
Pillar of quadrangular section with prominent foundation. Based on granite outcrop on grossly rigged granite blocks, consists of pillar in masonry with superimposed parallelepiped blocks, showing on each side alternately one or two ashlars. Linked ashlars in alternate rows, with structure and autonomous basis.
Century. XIV to XV (1513, by Foral D. Manuel to Cinfães)
Location: Cinfães
Pillar of quadrangular section with prominent foundation. Based on granite outcrop on grossly rigged granite blocks, consists of pillar in masonry with superimposed parallelepiped blocks, showing on each side alternately one or two ashlars. Linked ashlars in alternate rows, with structure and autonomous basis.
Century. XIV to XV (1513, by Foral D. Manuel to Cinfães)
Location: Cinfães