Hospital de S. José


The Hospital de S. José de Fafe, which initially was named as the Hospital of "Charity," and later of "Mercy", is a venture that Brazilians are associated, as they were who financed its construction. This was followed by a project of building another House of "Charity" in Rio de Janeiro. Its construction began in 1859.

The hospital was opened to the public on 19th March 1863, being on St. Joseph Day, who later gave its name to the building. 

Initially, it started functioning only with nursing services, aiding patients that had no medication and no means of treatment at home.

Later on a pharmacy was installed. On the upper floor, there were wards for the sick, a chapel, a bathhouse an operating theatre fully equipped with the latest surgical equipment, an x-ray room and a maternity, out of use already since the 80’s.

Currently, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia is responsible for the management of the Hospital of St. Joseph.


Location: Fafe
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