GR 14 - European Wine Route

The "European Wine Route" or GR14 is a transeuropean route, wich connects Vila Nova de Gaia, in Portugal, to Strasburg, in the Alsace region. This route crosses important viticultural regions, among which one may find the oldest demarcated region in the world the Alto Douro Wine Region, which as classified as World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2001.
In the Tabuaço municipality, the GR14 crosses areas of agreat landscape beauty, namely the wonderful valley where pure waters flow and to the traditional villages . There are also lots of historic signs ofan ancient human occupation in the region, such as bridges and stoneways.

Name: GR14 European Wine Route

Tabuaço route begins:Granja do Tedo / Tabuaço route end: Sendim

Passing places: Granja do Tedo, Longa, Arcos, Sendim

Distance: 16500m

Main Interest: Biological, Landscape, Archaeological, Historical and Cultural

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

Approximate duration: 6:30 hours

Relief: 600 m

Advised time:all year

Location: Tabuaço
Casa Dos Ruis

Casa Dos Ruis

Reconstructed house, situated in the middle of the village of Tabuaço, overlooking the Garden...
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Casa do Forno

Casa do Forno

In Terreiro, in a contemporary space, sober, welcoming and with a superb  view over the...
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Adega da Vila

Adega da Vila

Little space where the specialty is roast kid. The service is good and the service friendly.
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