Festivities of Nª Srª dos Altos-Céus and S. Mamede

Every year, in the place of Altos-Céus, parish of Anta, Espinho, takes place the popular festivals in honor of Nª Srª dos Altos-Céus and S. Mamede, the traditional "Festivals of Rojões", in the third weekend of October, with the also traditional "Festival of Tremoços" (Festival of Lupines).

These festivities are, for many years now, a reference in the panorama of the popular festivities in the municipality of Espinho, and not only.

Once, when there were still no refrigerators, the meat was preserved in salt or in smoke, and the pig slaughter was made from October on, when the weather was cooler. By the time of the festival, which always takes place on the third Sunday of October, the farmers killed the pigs, so that there was plenty of food.

At the weekend after the religious festivity, people come together with their lupines, taste a good red wine and, at the sound of music and a lot animation, socialize with their friends and family.

Location: Espinho
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