Corno de Bico Protected Area

Paredes de Coura
Corno de Bico Protected Area is managed by the City Council of Paredes de Coura. A natural sanctuary, it is formed by natural, semi-natural, and humanised landscapes, with natural characteristics and values that gives it a special charm in the region and country.
The mountainous region, with rounded contours, features Corno de Bico as the highest point in the northern region, standing at 883 m high. At the top of the hills, visitors can see the “chaotic blocks” in granite, the prevailing rock in the region, giving the landscape a chaotic appearance.
The climate is mild, markedly Atlantic, with heavy rains in the winter months and mild temperatures in the four hottest months of summer, with only very few periods of snow.
Local vegetation consists mostly of oak woods – about 25% of the landscape. These oaks are relatively young trees that have been well preserved. Overall, there are 439 plant species in Corno de Bico, most of which are quite relevant due to their various degrees of specificity.
The region is also quite rich in wildlife, with 188 species of vertebrates. The diversity of habitats, the interaction between them and the climate conditions of the region provide excellent feeding, reproduction and shelter conditions for wildlife. This region is home to the Iberian wolf, the golden-striped salamander, the viper, the Pyrenean desman and the Montagu’s harrier, among others. Several of these species are native to the region or under various degrees of threats, which helps to increase the value of the wildlife in the Corno de Bico Protected Area.
As Corno de Bico is extremely important for the conservation of a variety of habitats and threatened species at European level, it has been classified as a Site of Community Importance of the Natura 2000 Network – PTCON0040.

Location: Paredes de Coura
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