Camilo Route

Vila Nova de Famalicão
Camilo's House - Museum
The guided visit nto the house where Camilo Castelo Branco lived and wrote, during the second half of the XIXth century, offers the wright scenario allowing the correct understanding of the domestic and familiar living experiences of one of the greatest writers of the Portuguese literature ever seen.
The House in São Miguel de Seide still maintain a part of its library, beyond furniture and some objects that once belonged to Camilo or to his nuclear family.
The visit to the House provides exciting full immersion environment and the clear sensation of being living inside the house of the greatest portuguese novelist, who wrote here a very significant bpart of his work and who putted here a tragic end to his life, because of the blindness that tormented him.
The ingredients of his work - drama, love and tragedy -, are all over the visit!

Length of the visit - 45 - 60 minutes.

Cangosta do Estêvão Track
«Não a vi, rapaz, mas ouvi-a berrar lá para o rio. Mete aí pela cangosta do Estêvão, e vai pela beira do rio abaixo que a topas lá para a Várzea das Poldras ou na Ísua.» (Maria Moisés, Camilo Castelo Branco 1876)

This designation is inspired in a reference made by Camilo Castelo Branco in his most popular novel entitled: "Maria Moisés".
The Cangosta do Estêvão Track is designed between Camilo's House-Museum, in Seide, and the centre of the parish of Landim, within an oriented visit.
Along the track is established a strong relation between the writer's texts and the achitectonic and landscape heritage from the parishes of Seide and Landim, making it possible to the tourists revising some of the stories and its characters created by the novelist, and allowing at the same time the landscape observing as welll as the social interaction with local population.

Estimated duration of the track - 100 a 120 minutes;
Distance to be walked - 3 km;
Difficulty degree - easy;
Special instructions - comfortable clothes and shoes are suggested.

Camilo Menus
The visitor could let himself to be full surprised being at the table of one of the restaurants that offers the Camilo Menu.

Restaurante O Prato
«Faz-se torresmos; vai-se a gente ao pingo; deita-o numa tigela, onde já está a galinha entalida ou meia assada; por cima despeja-se um golpe de vinho branco, pouquito vinagre e água um quase nada; depois, louro, cravo, pimenta, gemas de ovo, fatias por baixo e rodelas de limão por cima. É de comer e gritar por mais!...» (O Santo da Montanha, Camilo Castelo Branco 1866)

Restaurante Ferrugem
«Ela descobriu a travessa a rir-se:
- Vossa Majestade diz que gosta...
- Sardinhas de escabeche? Se gosto!... Vamos a elas, que estão a dizer - comei-me.
E atirou-se às sardinhas com uma sofreguidão pelintra.» (A Brasileira de Prazins, Camilo Castelo Branco 1882)

Location: Vila Nova de Famalicão
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