At the top of the Castle of Outeiro do Lesenho, the Calaico Warrior watches over the
movement, guarding the riches of which was one of the most important centres of power of
the castreja civilization of the North of Portugal.
You will find the Calaico Warrior positioned erectly, overlooking the privileged view over the
valley, wielded in his right hand is a short triangular dagger carried in a sheath, which was used
to defend his people.
Dressed in a V-necked, short sleeved, sagum (a loose coat decorated with geometrical motifs
of concentric chained and plaid circles), bounded by a belt with four parallel straps.
Location: Boticas
movement, guarding the riches of which was one of the most important centres of power of
the castreja civilization of the North of Portugal.
You will find the Calaico Warrior positioned erectly, overlooking the privileged view over the
valley, wielded in his right hand is a short triangular dagger carried in a sheath, which was used
to defend his people.
Dressed in a V-necked, short sleeved, sagum (a loose coat decorated with geometrical motifs
of concentric chained and plaid circles), bounded by a belt with four parallel straps.
Location: Boticas