Barragem do Alto Rabagão/Barragem dos Pisões

Dam of Alto Rabagão / Dam of Pisões

The Dam of Alto Rabagão also known as Dam of Pisões is powered by Rabagão River, was completed in 1964, has a height of 94 m and a crest length of 1,897 meters, and has a maximum capacity of 500 m ³/s. Its reservoir has an area of about 2,200 hectares and a capacity of 569 mm ³, with a dead volume (unusable) 10.77 hm ³.  Its reservoir has an area of about 2,200 hectares and a capacity of 569 hm³ with a dead volume ( unusable) 10.77 hm³ . The Alto Rabagão dam is an authentic colossus of concrete that forms a huge reservoir in a rough but spectacular surroundings.

Location: Montalegre
Parque de Campismo Municipal

Parque de Campismo Municipal

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