Arcos de Valdevez

17 Dec 2023 to 15 Dec 2024


Ample and modern space. Ideal for meals in a relaxed atmosphere. Closed on mondays.
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Restaurante O Barriguinhas

Restaurante O Barriguinhas

Opening Hours: 9h ? 15h / 19h ? 22h Capacity:56 seats Specialities: Cozido à minhota (Minhota...
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The “S. João Baptista” Chapel

The chapel, part of the Romanesque focus of "Ribeira Lima" (Lima?s River), was probably erected during the 12th century, as testifies a date inscribed in...

Bridge in Lamas de Mouro

Built in the late medieval period. The round arch is perfect and well grounded; granitic margins. The bow has regular staves, some of which bear the soffit...
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