Santo Tirso
Restaurante Zé da Rampa

Restaurante Zé da Rampa

Specialities:Stewed Pork, Codfish "à Zé do Pipo" mannerCapacity:120 PaxClosed on Saturdays
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McDonald's Barcelos

McDonald's Barcelos

Open every day from 8am to 11pm Services: McDrive; Children's Space; Baby Changing room;...
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Fojo Mills Trail (Percurso Moinhos de Fojo)

General Description This trail extends by the parish of São Tomé de Negrelos and is characterized by the influence of Ribeira do Fojo (Fojo Stream), which...

River “Vez”’s Bridge

The actual bridge connecting nowadays the two banks of "Arcos de Valdevez"?s village is a building of the 19th century, begun in 1876 and completed in 1880,...
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