Velho Minho

Póvoa de Lanhoso
Description / Facilities
The restaurant “Velho Minho” is located in the center of Póvoa do Lanhoso, in a recently restored rustic house, 15 km distant from Braga and 20 km distant from Gerês Spa. It is a pleasant place to enjoy the excellent Minho region cuisine. The main specialties are monkfish rice, octopus fillets and rice with cabbage shoots, tenderloin on the barbecue, duck rice and roasted lamb.

Capacity: 70 seats

Languages: Portuguese, French

Opening hours: 12:15 to 15:00 / 19:23 to 23:00 (closed on Monday dinner)
Address: Rua Doutor Manuel Ferreira 8, Póvoa de Lanhoso
Phone: 253634522

02 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2024

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