RitzRestaurante Ritz

Description / Facilities
It is typically known for “francesinhas”(sandwish made with fillet steak, ham and smoked sausage covered with cheese and a spicy sauce), is one of the oldest establishments of Valongo, with traditional Portuguese cuisine. With a nice space, events for groups subject to reservation. Average price per person  10€. Capacity of the room 170 seats. Air conditioning. Live music. Non-smoking. Access for  disabled people. Easy parking. The specialties are “francesinhas” and “Ritz”codfish, among others. Location: next to the Municipal Pavilion of Valongo. Opening hours: 10h to 1h - close on Monday.
Address: Av. 5 de Outubro, 634 - 4440-503 Valongo
Phone: +351224035815

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