Restaurante Uíscas

Santo Tirso
Description / Facilities
Specialties: “Cozido à portuguesa” (Portuguese stew made of boiled meat with vegetables) and “rojões” (bits of fried pork with patatoes), “cabritinho do monte” or lamb, roasted  in the  wood oven.

Capacity: 100 Pax

Day  off: Monday after lunch and Tuesday
Address: R. das Quintães ,155 - 4795-330 Roriz
Phone: 252881461

Farmhouses - Watermills and farmhouses

Farmhouses - Watermills  and farmhouses

The Remédios Fountain

Listed as a building of public interest.Taking advantage of the presence of Nicolau Nasoni in Lamego, the Sisterhood of Our Lady of the Remedies...
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