Restaurante Casa Nuno

Description / Facilities
Specialities: Lamb with backed patatoes, codfish with corn bread, " bôla de Lamego" (meat pie), "pataniscas de bacalhau", "feijoada" (beans and meat stew), "Cozido à Portuguesa" (Portuguese Stew), "Arrozinho de feijão com salpicão" (Bean rice with smoked sausage), Lagareiro Octopus, .
Capacity: 70 pax.

Closing days: none
Address: Rua Nova nº85 , 5100-153 Lamego
Phone: +351 254 613 500

Rabelo boat tour to Regua

Rabelo boat tour from Pinhão until Ferradosa passing Cachão da Valeira and the navegation lock of the Valeira Dam


This palace, from the 18th century, was known as Casa de Almacave. It operated as the court of the city for a long time. The Court of Appeal operated in...
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