Restaurant D.Tonho in Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia
Description / Facilities

D. Tonho of Gaia is situated in the Historical Center of Gaia with a panoramic view to Porto that is dazzling!

It’s a modern space, which has won several architectural prizes, with an outdoor café wide and open over the river Douro.

Bacalhau à D. Tonho (Cod)
Posta de Vitela (Veal Steak)
Vitela à Moda de Lafões (Veal)

Snack- Bar Speciality:
Francesinha à D. Tonho

Timetable: 12h30 p.m. – 3 p.m. | 7h30 p.m. – 11h30 p.m.

Address: Av. Diogo Leite - Esplanada do Calém, 4400-111 Vila Nova de Gaia
Phone: 223744835

02 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2024

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