Restaurant Churrascão do Sousa

Vila Nova de Famalicão
Description / Facilities
We may depend upon Restaurant Churrascão do Sousa for memorable moments!

The Restaurant Churrascão do Sousa is provided with a great quality service for all events.     
Address: Rua Estrada Nacional 204, nº 364. 4760-827Avidos - Vila Nova de Famalicão
Phone: +351 252 866 277

02 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2024

Sacred Art Museum

On a hill overlooking the city of Vila Nova de Famalicão, on the north side, is the Chapel of Lapa which was built in the year of 70?s of the 16th century,...

1st May Park

The "1st  of May Garden" arose due to the construction of the avenue crossing it, by the established connection between the city centre and the railway...
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