Quinta da Terrincha, Sociedade Agrícola Lda.

Torre de Moncorvo
Description / Facilities

Located in the Valley of Vilariça, one of the most fertile agricultural valleys throughout Europe, "Quinta da Terrincha" stands out as one of the most important agricultural units of the North of Portugal.

Spanning over 300 hectares, over 4 kilometers of 102 National Highway, "Quinta da Terrincha" is fully located in the Douro Region, dedicating to the production of great wines DOC Douro, in about 50he vine.

Production varieties: "Touriga Nacional", "Touriga Franca", "Viosinho" and "Rabigato".

Product / Market Brands: "Quinta da Terrincha" and "Terras da Vilariça".


Located in the Valley of Vilariça, one of the most fertile agricultural valleys throughout Europe, "Quinta da Terrincha" stands out as one of the most important agricultural units of the North of Portugal. Olive grove vast 80he can observe ancient olive trees marked by the varieties: "Cobrançosa", "Verdial" and "Cordovil", which show a mature high quality olive oil, extra virgin, with a percentage level of acidity of 0.14% and palate and texture of excelence.

Note also the red wine vinegar production, olives, cheese, honey, table grapes and compote.

Product / Market Brands: “Quinta da Terrincha”.
Address: Quinta da Terrincha, Estrada Nacional 102 | 5160-002 Adeganha | Torre Moncorvo
E-mail: geral@quintadaterrincha.pt
Phone: 914889730

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