Pinheiral dos Leitões

Description / Facilities

"The Municipality of Penafiel has ancestral references in the product Gastronomy and Wines.The lamprey and the shad has been consumed since the Middle Ages, being now part of the traditional gastronomy.

In Penafiel, the most typical dishes are the kid, the portuguese stew, the fried or the pickling brine shad and the lamprey, all accompanied with the excellent wine of the region. The specialities in sweets, are mainly the “bolinhos de amor” (loove cakes), the sponge cake, the “pão podre” (cake made with sugar, flour, eggs, olive oil and lemmon juice) the “rosquilhos” (traditonal biscuits). However, the original confectionery of Penafiel is well represented by its “sopa seca” (dry soup) and the pies of S. Martinho, which are much appreciated by visitors and tourists. Come, and feel Penafiel and its flavours.

Address: Guilhufe - Penafiel
Phone: 255724318


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