Hora H

Description / Facilities
Regional Cuisine and Specialties-Posta, Veal Chop, Grilled Grilled Lamb, Cod, Sprat Squid.
Address: Estrada Nacional 218 Lote 13-A 5300-553 Gimonde-Braganç
E-mail: restaurantehorahgimonde@gmail.com
Phone: +351 273 381 419

Festival of "Terra Transmontana"

The "Terra Transmontana" is a festival that brings together the past  and  present in its cultural expression, which during three days takes place  in the...

Castelo de Penas Roias Viewpoint

The  Penas Roias Castle is a military structure built in the second half of the twelfth century by royal order, which,   through D. Fernando Mendes, was...
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