Grill O Costa

Vila Real
Description / Facilities

The Restaurant | Grill - O Costa offers a typically Portuguese cuisine, based on the culture and gastronomic traditions of the Douro and Trás-os-Montes regions.

We carefully select the produce used for the preparation of our dishes, valuing quality and giving preference to prime regional products.

No car park but situated in an area with good access and easy parking.

House Specialities:
- Grilled Maronesa veal
- Maronesa alheira (smoked meat and bread sausage)
- Maronesa beef bouillabaisse
- Prawn curry
- Old-style duck rice
- Octopus fillets with juicy rice
- Cod à la maison
Address: Rua Dr. Sousa Costa, 16 R/C5000 Vila Real
Phone: +351 259 321 988

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