A Lanterna Restaurant

Description / Facilities

Located in the center of the village of Melgaço, in the sunny charm of northern Portugal,  A Lanterna invites you to taste the best traditional Portuguese cuisine in gastronomic spaces of excellency.

With a welcoming and informal atmosphere let yourself go for a diversified offer of the best typical flavors inspired in the traditional gastronomy.

One of the most characteristic dishes of the traditional regional gastronomy is the roasted lamb (cabrito assado). This lamb has a reddish color and a very characteristic flavor, it is roasted in the oven and served with baked potatoes and rice with a special sauce.

The chef’s suggestion for a fish dish is a premium quality codfish. It is best served fried with onions and it is a very appreciated dish among our Spanish costumers. A Lanterna is a well-known reference for our neighboring country, Spain.

There are plenty of other delicious delicacies that we recommend, better savored with a traditional Green Wine Alvarinho, produced in the Minho region.
Address: Rua Dr Afonso Costa, nº 53 - União das Freguesias da Vila e Rouças. 4960-519 Melgaço
E-mail: alanterna.melgaco@gmail.com
Phone: +351251402602

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