Viewpoint of São Domingos de Gusmão


 The chapel of São Domingos de Gusmão ( the protector Saint of animals), also known as São Domingos de Monte Coxo  or São Domingos de Vilela, for being located in the top of the hill with the same name, within the limits of the parishes of Covas do Douro, Gouvinhas and Paços, from the county of Sabrosa.

Here there has been an annual party on 4 August. It is a party full of beliefs and traditions. On the day of the festival, the people who have animals (cattle, chickens, pigs), take to home a candle wrapped in the holy image and attached to a string. When an animal fall ill, they hold the line around the animal's neck or a leg, light the candle and pray to São Domingos. If the animal feels better, they offer a piece of his flesh to the auction on the day of the pilgrimage.

This site with tourist potential offers a magnificent view of the "wonderful world" that Miguel Torga has immortalized.

Location: Sabrosa
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