Via romana de Braga a Tui 14 Marcos miliários

Ponte de Lima
Classified as a Monument of National Interest

Classified in 1910, as "National Monument", when the state was determined to institutionalize the protection of artistic and archaeological heritage of the country, the "Roman road from Braga to Tui" was built during the movement of romanization in the portuguese territory, identified by 14 milestones of this IV route linking Asturica Augusta (Astorga) to the historical district of Braga, the most important urban center of the whole Conventus Bracaraugustanus, passing through Tuy and Lucus .

Location: Ponte de Lima
Casa do Mormeiral

Casa do Mormeiral

A farmer house surrounded by a rural environment. It is just 4 km from Ponte de Lima and you can...
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Pizzaria Beira Rio

Pizzaria Beira Rio

The riverfront is an inspiration to the Italian and Portuguese cuisine with traditional stove....
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One of the oldest restaurants of Ponte de Lima, since 1929 in the art of knowledge of the Minho...
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