The Municipal Library of Monção


The Municipal Library opened  to the public on the  12th of march 2003,   local  holiday, with an area of 2800 squared meters, served  by basic infrastructures  and an urban street layout.  It covers an area  of 600 squared meters, is divided in public and internal services.

The public services includes a lobby / reception, audio-video section, an area to read the perodicals and Internet access, children's space with a story tale room,  an auditorium for meetings with writers, conferences and seminars. The internal service includes work offices, staff room and maintenance areas and storage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The educational equipment, located  on the stronghold of “Terra Nova” (Newfoundland) belonging to the XVIII century walls of Monção, it developed taking as a guideline the integration of the former elementary school and  respecting the  historical and emotional value of that space in the center of the village.

The building's internal organization responds efficiently to new librarians concepts of space and cultural dynamization, offering, on  one hand, an easier way of circulation for the future users, and on the other hand, different  equipments and materials directed to the cultural and professional enrichment of the population.

Its functionality allows the all citizens to have access to different types of  knowledge and universal culture, contributing  to a real equality of opportunities and to the emergence of more enlightened generations, aware of their rights and duties.


Monday to Friday from 10.00am  to 18.00pm, Saturday from 15.00pm to 18.00pm


Location: Monção
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