The Mouro Bridge

We found the surrounding area of the Mouro Bridge, between the parishes of Barbeira and Ceivães, one of the most beautiful places to walk in Monção. The bridge, built over the river Mouro is now a place of interest both historically and architecturally. Originally from the XIV century, it was restored in 1627, and is classified as “Imóvel de Interesse Público” (Property of Public Interest). Is located in an ancient pathway from Braga, across Arcos de Valdevez and towards Valadares, Melgaço, St. Gregório and Serra da Peneda. This bridge has witnessed the passage of ”almocreves” and pilgrims. In 1386, it also witnessed the historical meeting between D. João I and  the Duke of Lancaster, claimant  to the throne of Castela. This meeting established the agreement  of the portuguese military cooperation with the English king, who wanted to conquer Castela.

In this meeting, it was also agreed the marriage of the Portuguese king with the Duke’s daughter, Dona Filipa de Lencastre.  It is a heavy historical legacy that surrounds the place with an aura of spirituality and grandeur! Beyond the historical interest, this bridge is surrounded by an impressive landscape which includes the Chapel of São Félix, House of Cruzeiro, some mills and the Chapel of Santo Cristo - which values it and justifies a visit. Don’t forget to enjoy the  leisure area to spend a sunny day by the river and, perhaps, take a plunge.

Location: Monção
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