Serra Hidráulica de Pereiras (Pereiras Sawmill)

Santo Tirso
The Serra de Pereiras is one of the last vestiges of the old wood sawmilling of Santo Tirso, and the most significant of the existing mills in the parish of Cordova. Due to its economic importance, the Town Hall started the rehabilitation process and the classification as Public Interest Property in the end of the eighties. It was classified in 1991.

Probably built in the late nineteenth century, this mill is representative of a pre-industrial production, having as its main function the wood sawing. The original building was constructed entirely in wood and it was smaller and narrow, working exclusively for timber sawmill. The old building was constructed in rectangular plan and was divided in two floors. The ground floor was made in wood on which the saw and the timber carriage were installed. Fed by the waters of river Leça through a conducting channel, the driving wheel was located downstairs, moving itself through the “pejadouro” (wooden cube that led the water to the driving wheel).

José Ribeiro Carneiro made some changes in the building, during the fifties. In an annexed building it was installed a large wheel to move hydraulically two millstones, one for the sawmilling and the other for the milling. On the groud floor, two different areas were created: the sawmill (where the large iron Wheel stands), and the annexed house (where the two millstones are). The Serra de Pereiras is the memory of a past. The remains of an economic activity associated with local stories allow us to understand the man`s connection with the land and the water as well as the alliance between men and environment. The river Leça was of great importance for the local people.

How to get to Serra de Pereiras:

Through A3, coming from Porto or Valença, on the way out to Santo Tirso. Take EN 105 towards Porto and then by EM558-1 towards Monte Córdova.

To visit the Serra de Pereiras it is necessary to book in advance through the Divisão do Património e Museus da Câmara Municipal de Santo Tirso. Telephone nr. 252 830 400 (extension: 370)

Guided tours are limited to small groups.

Location: Santo Tirso
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