Santo André's Necropolis – Algosinho


This necropolis, which is located in the Western part of the village, dates back to the middle ages.

Nowadays, the necropolis is made of four structures of visible burial.

Socioeconomicallye, can probably say deduce that the people who were buried in structures carved in the rock were people of influence in the community and were also wealthy. This type of construction demanded specialized labor. The graves were covered by slabs and could contain some inscriptions.

In the burrial customs of the Middle Age there was a large variety of places where people could bury the dead.It could be in people's own houses or in the parish cemetery; they could be located next to churches, monasteries or isolated places if there wasn't any church (in the first centuries of the Middle Ages)(Vicente Campos, 1997).

In this necropolis case, it was placed near a path. It was a commun practice, because, this way, people could pay respect to the dead when they passed by.

According to the legend which went, oraly, from generaion to generation, it is said that on tha same place there was a chapel dedicated to St. André. It is curious that the necroplolis spot is called St. André. It is also said that the saint which is on the main altar of Algosinho's church is the same of that chapel.

We may add that, during Middle Ages, churches and chapels were built next to necropolis in order to make the place holy.

Location: Mogadouro
Campos Restaurant

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