PR-10 - Margins of Neiva


This path begins by the Cultural Centre of Forjães, in the parish of Forjães, municipality of Esposende. It is a path full of heritage, whetherarchitectural, religious, archeological, cultural, ethnographic and natural. Pedestrian path, circular and a short route, it is integrated in the Municipal Network for Hiking of Esposende municipality and is signposted along its 13.5km in both directions, with the beginning and end at the same point (Cultural Center of Forjães) it intends to show the rich heritage of the Village of Forjães through its paths along both margins of river Neiva.
Technical Data:

Promoter: Esposende municipality
Localization of the Path: parish of Forjães (Esposende) and parish of Aldreu (Barcelos).

Kind of Path: short rout, circular and closed.
Context of the Course: Historical, landscaping and cultural

Point of start: Cultural Center of Forjães
Point of arrival: Cultural Center of Forjães

Distance: 13.54km

Timming: 4h

Difficulty level: Easy

Minimum dimension Reached: 17 meters (River Neiva, Bridge of Grilo)

Maximum dimension Reached: 115 meters (Chapel of S. Roque)

Points of interest: Cultural Center of Forjães, Alminhas of Azevedo, Alminhas of Risca/Ricardo, House of Matinho, Engenho de Serrar, Bridge and Azenha do Grilo, areal of Grilo, Menir and marcos, Alminhas of Estrada, Bridge and Azenha of Velha, Fountain and Lavadouro of S. Roque, Quinta de Curvos, Quinta de Pregais, Alminhas of Madorra, cruzeiro and stairway, Church of Santa Marinha, Medieval grave.

Advised Season: all the year

Required / recommended materials: sneakers / hiking boots and appropriate clothing for walking on the hill and the climatic conditions of the day.

Location: Esposende
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