Pillory of Várzea da Serra

In a small lake in front of the building, where was the Chamber House, stands the pillory Várzea da Serra.
The column rests on two steps. Initially there were three with very rounded shape, but with octagonal expression. They raise from the square base, with form of simple cube with angles superiorly demoted, giving way to the octagonal shaft.
The column is about three meters high with smooth faces, having in one-third height a collar that surrounds it and where probably stood, an iron strap now missing.
Based directly on the shaft, quadrangular board frame with double frame faces shot. In the center of the board stands a parallelepiped piece whose edges are increasing in the four corners. By the inside basement rises a slightly flattened sphere. On one side of this cube is drawn a background curvilinear contoured groove. Within this term are the national arms.
in: Pillories the District of Viseu, 1998

Location: Tarouca
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