Museologic Nucleus of Castro Laboreiro


The parish of Castro Laboreiro, the largest and oldest one in the municipality of Melgaço, would necessarily have to have a museum to preserve and promote its rich history and ethnography. That’s why we can nowadays visit the Núcleo Museológico de Castro Laboreiro in the old Fábrica de Chocolates de Caravelos.

There, you’ll be able to learn about the region’s "castro" culture, the landscapes and local ways of living, all of this backed up with a range of photographic assets and documentaries about the parish. Pay close attention to the information about the Leas and the Wintery Lands, one of the most interesting ways of territory occupancy in Portugal. The megalithic acropolis at the highland of Castro Laboreiro has its own spotlight, with several movies about the subject. You’ll be eager to backpack and go on exploring these special places!

At the end of your visit, check out the house attached to the museum, a typical building where you’ll be able to learn how it was to live in a regional homestead on the second half of the 20th century. You’ll be delighted with the plain dark wood furniture, the typical coverlets and the small picturesque details that enliven the house, such as the oil lamps, the earthenware and even a chamber pot under the bed…

Location: Melgaço
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