Monte Padrão Interpretative Center

Santo Tirso
Centro Interpretativo Monte Padão (Monte Padrão Interpretative Center)

The Monte Padrão Interpretative Center is a new cultural center that was opened on the 20th/April 2008. It was built next to the archaeological site of Monte Padrão and works as an interpretive platform of the archaeological remains of the region, whose main core is represented by roman settlement with the same name. Being a building of educational and interpretive nature, it consists of educational services room - supported by recent multimedia facilities – interacting with the permanent exhibition space. The administrative and restoration rooms, the offices and material collection area, are supported by the remaining functional modules.

How to get to Monte Padrão Interpretative Center
Through A3, coming from Porto or Valença, on the way out to Santo Tirso. Take EN 105 towards Porto and after EM558-1towards Córdova

Location: Santo Tirso


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