Fraga da Pena (observation point) - Tões

In 1527, Tões was a simple and humble place, with only 30 residents. At that time there was no independent parish of Santa Senhorinha, Tões being an annex of the parish of S. Miguel of Armamar. The primitive church of Santa Maria was located in the place of Cortinhas and there have emerged the cult of Sra. Da Guia. The present church dates back to the early seventeenth century.

In Tões is produced wine, fruit and potatoes. Cereals, wheat and rye were intensive crops in other times. Monte Raso was considered the big "barn" in the parish and beyond.


Location: Armamar
Pastelaria Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

Pastelaria Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

Open every day.  Opening hours: 7:30H-2:00HCapacity: 102 Pax Specialties: "Bola da Aldeia" (meat...
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