Former Factory Company of Trofa

Former Factory Company of Trofa - Property Municipal Interest

Classified since 2009 as Property of Municipal Interest, the former Textile of Trofa is an industrial building of the XX century and one of the first to settle in what became the urban center of the city. It was because of its size and capacity that it marked the history of industrialization in the Ave Valley, in the field of cotton transformation.
The space is a significant mark of the memories of many generations of workers who have been directly or indirectly associated with its labouring. It followed some of the social and economic transformations in the period of the 1st Republic and post-April 25, especially regarding the labour organization and the working class rights. It is a landmark building for the County, in the architectural point of view, preserving inside an industrial ceramic chimney which is a rare example in the municipality of Trofa.
It is the only element of the set of industrial buildings that were built strategically near the station of railways during the first decades of the XX century. Its architecture presents expressive marks of this relationship, with the façade facing the railway and with direct access to the railway pier.

It is visitable only in organized tours during the commemoration of certain events.

Location: Trofa
Restaurante Dona Unisco

Restaurante Dona Unisco

Specialities:Codfish "Dona Unisco" manner, Codfish "à Brás" manner, Octopus in olive oil, Duck...
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