Festa das Colheitas-Feira Mostra de Produtos Regionais

Vila Verde
Harvest Festival - Regional Products Showcase

The ‘Festa das Colheitas’ (Harvest Festival) is one of the largest national events dedicated to agriculture, livestock and food. This event is an exhibition and a fair of agricultural products, handicrafts, livestock, typical sweets and gastronomy of various parts of the country; here reproduced live, typical practices of the harvest season of crops of the lands, husking and threshing of corn, treading of grapes, and treatment of linen; there are also contests aimed at rewarding excellence and the quality of regional products; as well as conferences, seminars and meetings on topics that propose a discussion and collective reflection. Notability is given to the Gastronomy Festival being a national reference of good food, attracting the best restaurants of the country. The biggest attraction will, of course go for the ' specialty ' of the region: the ‘Pica-no-Chão’ (Chicken Rice speciality) living up to the trademark "Vila Verde, the capital of the Pica-no-Chão (Chicken Rice").

An event which is extended during the traditional period of crops, between August and November, by programming "Na Rota das Colheitas” (Route of the Harvest), an initiative that integrates a wide range of associated events of a cultural nature, farming, pictures of rural life comprising craft shows, gastronomy, pastry and typical sweets. This is a real display of the municipality’s tourist potential. This route has the partnership of the Parish Councils, the Social and Cultural Associations and other entities, with emphasis on the adherence of farms.

Location: Vila Verde
Restaurant Sevilhana

Restaurant Sevilhana

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