Eira do Aveloso


 Eira do Aveloso - CNF PR3 ( Pathway 3) - Vale de Aveloso

Location: Cinfães
Alojamento Turístico - Casa da Lavandeira

Alojamento Turístico - Casa da Lavandeira

The "Casa da Lavandeira" is a Manor House built in the XVIII century that was restored in 1878...
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Restaurante Kibom

Restaurante Kibom

Specialty:  Arouquesa roasted vealAverage price: ? 12 / doseHours: 08h / 22h;Seating capacity:...
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Paiva à Vista Restaurant

Paiva à Vista Restaurant

The average price per meal is 10 ?. The specialties are "vitela assada" (roast veal),"bife de...
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