Ecomuseu de Barroso - Pólo de Pitões


The pole of Ecomuseum of Barroso, situated in the court of the "Boi do povo", works in network with the Interpretive Centre in Montalegre embodying the following themes: "O Boi do Povo", grazing in extensive regime, the vezeira (set of cows), the weaving, the shelters shepherds, the agriculture of the Mountain, modes of local production, agricultural implements, etc..

Location: Montalegre
Parque de Campismo Municipal

Parque de Campismo Municipal

It is near the dam of the Alto Rabagão, with a environment of great natural beauty.
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Restaurant Dias

Restaurant Dias

The restaurant Dias Parafita is about 15 km from Montalegre village in Parafita parish, has all...
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Restaurant Rabagão

Restaurant Rabagão

The restaurant is 15 km from Montalegre Village, a simple space but with a family atmosphere,...
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