Dom Villas

Vila Nova de Famalicão
The Lourofood, Ltd., began its activity on 15th November 2000, always dedicated to the production and marketing of cured cheese deriving from cow's milk. The cheeses of the brand "DOM VILLAS" appeared in the market as from that date. In this way and due to the demanding market requests, the company started selling the complementary products in July 2001, in this case, mainly the fresh cheese.

In the year 2002 a trading strategy was set which had, as one of its main objectives, the expansion of the company’s products variety, in addition to its own brands, between February and May of that year, the marketing of dairy products of mass consumption (Cheese Bars) and smoked Meat Products. The constant market analysis is one of the company’s priority, being the basis for the innovation of our products in order to meet the consumer’s needs. As for the production sector level, all procedures of hygiene and safety are strictly followed with, proven by external inspections carried out on a regular basis.

Currently produce largest amount with higher quality. In our dimension is perfectly reconcilable increased amount without prejudice to quality. A young and dynamic team, the Lourofood has a suitably qualified team and able to respond to any request in their areas, commercial production and logistics.

One of the main objectives of the company is to introduce new products and concepts every year, as all products produced and marketed are developed, and constituted prototypes at our own property.

Location: Vila Nova de Famalicão
Restaurante Estrela

Restaurante Estrela

Openinh hours: 09h00-22h00Day`s Special: Average price per person: 5 €
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