Documentation Centre of the Maritime Sixteenth Century Ports

Vila do Conde

The CEDOPORMAR - Ports Maritime Sixteenth Century Documentation Centre - is a specialized extension of the Municipal Archive of Vila do Conde, located on the 1st floor of the building of the Royal Customs / Museum of Naval Construction, which includes digital reproductions of tens of thousands of written and iconographic documents protected by various institutions in the country and abroad, supported by the computer application GISA and described in accordance with international standards for archival description. This is an important digital collection which, together with the specialized library, is available, free of charge, to all who want to discover the history of the Portuguese maritime boroughs - standing out as first core the "Vila do Conde Quinhentista" – from the shipbuilding, navigations and overseas trade in the sixteenth century period, and is to become a privileged meeting point for the school community (with the implementation of study visits), academic community and researchers and is open to all citizens who wish to consult documents in the field of local history of Vila do Conde, as well as to get information about the Portuguese maritime boroughs. The creation of an innovative cultural dynamics (incorporating the Museum, the replica of the “Nau” of the sixteenth century and the Documentation Centre), while promotes the relationship between the school and the local history, it is an important centre of tourist attraction and places the information technologies and communication at the service of research and knowledge.

Location: Vila do Conde
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