Cividade de Terroso (Imóvel de Interesse Público)

Póvoa de Varzim
This ancient city is located on the top of the hill at about 153 m high; it was occupied for a long period ( 800/700 BC - 3rd c. AC) and its remains provide important study elements to the History of Roman Hillfort peoples and the Roman settlement.

It was found in early 20th century where excavation began by the hand of Rocha Peixoto, and since 1980 there have been archaeological excavation works for study and improvement. The most significant assets of this Archaeological Station are exhibited at the Municipal Museum (the “Núcleo de Arqueologia”).

Location: Póvoa de Varzim


RNAL: 9688/ALThe "Rêve d'Or" is a small residence, located in the center of the city and is 100m...
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RNAL: 90914/ALThe "Castelo" Apartments are located in the center of the city of Póvoa de Varzim,...
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Restaurant specialized in snack service located on the beach of Póvoa de Varzim.
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